Homestay program 2019 in Mexico
Five Japanese artists went to Mexico and stayed at local Mexican home for two weeks. Yubu Furutani and Yumikio Sameshima stayed with Mexican artist Antonio, Shiori Nehashi stayed in Alicia's house, who runs an art studio, and Yusetsu Ishikawa and Shiori Watanabe stayed with the founder of JaM Norma.
By living with hosts and interacting with their families and friends, They all got to know subtle parts of the circumstances around the lives of the Mexican people, such as history, climate, work styles, climate, infrastructure, food culture, regulation, human relations, security, etc. The relationships created by the artists are also diverse and they had opportunities to gain unique experiences, such as climbing a mountain together to devise improvised performances, holding workshops in the art studio, showing flower arrangements in a bar, etc.